Hillier Press is making available the writings, Lectures, Forums and Seminars of Dr. Alfred Aiken.

This website provides an overview of Dr. Aiken's works, which were originally presented in the 1950's and 1960's.

Books as well as audio tapes and CDs of his Lectures and Forums are available for purchase.

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Absolute Reality

Absolute Reality is simple.

It is concerned only with the absolute allness of God.

Absolute Reality shows that God -- also called the One, I AM, Consciousness, Being, Spirit, Love, Life, Infinite Mind -- is absolutely all Presence and Power, the only Self there is.

God, the Self, is never afar off, is never "higher" than you, but is the very Consciousness, Life, alive and aware reading this now.

The Allness of the One leaves no secondary self, life or personal mind that ever became separate and must get back at-one with the One. There is no contact that needs to or can be made, for the One being You now never separated from Itself.

Absolute Reality states what God is to God -- for there honestly is no other being alive or conscious. It starts with the allness of God, continues with the allness of God and ends up with the allness of God.

To appreciate the viewpoint presented here, ask yourself: If the One, the All-Self, could talk or write a book, what would the One say?

The One could only speak of Its own Being, the immediacy of Its own Total Presence, Its own Absoluteness. The only One It could be speaking to would be Itself. The Self wouldn't have to learn or be instructed how to become Itself, because It already is Itself, is All, Now.

This doesn't leave "you" out, for that very Self is the only You there is.

What Is is All that is!

Be the You that is the only Being that is!

"One beholds ... Self by beholding God as God is, the all of all."